What Are AASHTO Overhead Rate Audits And Why Your Business Needs Them

· Business

Summary: In this blog post, we will discuss what AASHTO overhead rate audits are and why they are so important for small businesses. We will talk about how the audits work, what information they provide, and how you can use the data to make better decisions for your business.

For small businesses, the cost of doing business can be crippling and prohibitive. The overhead rate audits are a great way to combat this issue. They provide a comprehensive look into your company’s overhead costs, helping you identify areas where you can save money and reduce your overhead rate. Read on to learn more about this powerful tool that can help your business grow!

What is an AASHTO overhead rate audit?

AASHTO overhead rate audit services Atlanta is an in-depth review of a company's overhead rates. The purpose of the audit is to ensure that the company's overhead rates are reasonable and in line with industry norms.

The audit will involve a review of the company's financial statements, as well as its accounting practices. The auditor will also interview company managers and employees to get a better understanding of how the company calculates its overhead rates.

Once the audit is complete, the auditor will give the company a report detailing their findings. The report will include recommendations on how to improve the company's overhead rate calculation process.

What are the benefits of an AASHTO overhead rate audit?

FAR overhead rate audit firm Baton Rouge, LA is an important tool for ensuring the accuracy of your company's overhead rates. The audit can help identify areas where your company may be overcharging or undercharging for overhead costs, and can also provide valuable information on how to improve your company's overhead allocation process.

The benefits of an AASHTO overhead rate audit include:

1. Improved Accuracy of Overhead Rates: An overhead rate audit can help ensure that your company is accurately charging for its overhead costs. This can lead to improved profitability and a more accurate financial picture for your business.

2. Identification of Areas for Improvement: The audit can also identify areas where your company's overhead allocation process could be improved. This information can be used to make changes that could lead to reduced costs and improved efficiency in your company's operations.

3. Valuable Information for Future Planning: An AASHTO overhead rate audit can provide valuable information that can be used in future planning for your business. This information can help you make decisions about how to allocate resources more effectively, and can help you anticipate and manage potential cost increases in the future.

How to prepare for an AASHTO overhead rate audit

If you're doing business with the government, it's likely that you're familiar with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). AASHTO is a standards-setting body for the highway transportation industry, and they also administer a program that certifies businesses as Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE).

One of the requirements of the DBE program is that certified firms must have their overhead rates audited by an AASHTO-approved auditor. This is to ensure that DBEs are not using public funds to subsidize their private operations.

The audit is not something to be taken lightly. It's important to prepare in advance so that you can present your financial information in an organized and accurate manner. Here are some tips on how to prepare for an AASHTO overhead rate audit:

1. Gather all relevant financial documentation. This includes everything from your accounting records to tax returns. The auditor will need to see this information in order to properly assess your overhead rate.

2. Organize your financial documentation. The auditor will want to see this information in a specific format, so it's important to have it organized before the audit begins.

3. Know your costs. You should have a good understanding of all the costs associated with your business, as well as how those costs are allocated across different activities. This information will be crucial in determining your overhead rate.

What to expect during an AASHTO overhead rate audit

An AASHTO overhead rate audit is conducted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to ensure that state departments of transportation (DOTs) are using federal funds correctly. The audit is conducted every three years and covers all aspects of DOT operations, including financial management, project management, human resources, and more.

During an audit, the FHWA will review all records related to the use of federal funds. This includes reviewing invoices, contracts, purchase orders, payroll records, and any other documentation related to the use of federal funds. The FHWA will also interview DOT staff to get a better understanding of how the department operates.

The goal of an AASHTO overhead rate audit is to ensure that state DOTs are using federal funds correctly and efficiently. The audit helps to identify areas where improvements can be made so that state DOTs can continue to provide quality services to the public.

After the AASHTO overhead rate audit: what's next?

After an AASHTO overhead rate audit, it's important to take a close look at your business' financials and make sure everything is in order. This includes reviewing your accounting practices, ensuring that all revenue and expenses are properly recorded, and making any necessary adjustments to your overhead rates. Once you've done this, you can then begin the process of re-negotiating your contracts with clients and vendors.


AASHTO overhead rate audits are an important way for businesses to ensure that their overhead costs are accurate and in line with industry standards. By completing these audits, businesses can increase accuracy in their financial records while also staying compliant with state regulations. Not only do these audits help you save money, but they also provide peace of mind and make sure your business is running as efficiently as possible. With the right audit process in place, your business will benefit from increased profitability and more accurate accounting information over time.